We are a co-op style nursery school and require all parents to participate in several ways. This participation allows families to get to know one another and collaborate together to create a community.
1. Duty days – duty days are a 3 hour shift, every other week in your child’s classroom. Shifts are in the morning from 8:45 to 11:45. Families who are unable to participate in duty days pay an extra fee of $47.25 per month.
2. Parent Jobs – all families perform one parent job to contribute to the smooth running of the school. Jobs range from positions on the Hippo School Board of Directors, to doing the school laundry once per month, to helping keep up the school grounds in a safe and pleasant condition. Jobs work out to approximately 48 hours over the calendar year.
3. Work Days – all families must participate in 6 workday hours or pay a $150.00 fee. Workdays are when parents come together to perform a deep clean of the school and the grounds. Workdays & work evenings are scheduled at least 4 times per year and alternate jobs are available, so there are plenty of options to participate.
4. Attendance at 2 General Meetings – these meetings provide parents with the opportunity to find out about school operations and run for postions on the Board of Directors